Ultima Final Fantasy | The Ultimate Final Fantasy Podcast

This week, we discuss the final numbered game in the series, Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. We invited Banedrom, Bill Martigan, Emilee Mentos, and Anthony Walker onto the episode. These guys were extremely helpful during our playthrough of the game. We do a quick rundown of the games storyline, from the death of our fellow Scions of the Seventh Dawn, to the invasion of the Garlean base to rescue Minfilia and company. Once we do a rundown of the story, we move on to discuss the most important element of an MMORPG, the gameplay. We discuss the importance of fates, levequests, dungeons, primals, hunting logs, etc. We move on to talk about the multiplayer aspect of the game, from the primal fights, to the group dungeons. We offer a little criticism for the lack of multiplayer elements to the games main story missions, and specific class quests. Join us next time for our discussion of the design, music, legacy and overall statements for the games 2.0 storyline.











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Direct download: UFF_83_FF14_Part1_mixdown.mp3
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