Ultima Final Fantasy | The Ultimate Final Fantasy Podcast

This time we discuss the design, music, legacy, and ranking of Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. We discuss how we felt about the toned down anime elements of the character designs. We talk about the look of the areas, and praise the added number of NPC character models. We move on to discuss the musical score. We were quite impressed with the score, composed mainly by Masayoshi Soken. Only a few pieces composed by Nobou Uematsu survived the relaunch process. Once we've sufficiently blown the score, we discuss the legacy of the game. It will forever live in infamy due to it's initial 1.0 release, but much of it was revitalized by the re release. We discuss the game's place in the series, as well as it's place among other MMORPG's. We answer a few questions, and move on to our recap. We then place it forever in the ranking alongside it's 13 other brethren before it. Enjoy!









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#finalfantasy #jrpg #gaming #squareenix

Direct download: UFF_84_FF14_Part2_mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am MST

This week, we discuss the final numbered game in the series, Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. We invited Banedrom, Bill Martigan, Emilee Mentos, and Anthony Walker onto the episode. These guys were extremely helpful during our playthrough of the game. We do a quick rundown of the games storyline, from the death of our fellow Scions of the Seventh Dawn, to the invasion of the Garlean base to rescue Minfilia and company. Once we do a rundown of the story, we move on to discuss the most important element of an MMORPG, the gameplay. We discuss the importance of fates, levequests, dungeons, primals, hunting logs, etc. We move on to talk about the multiplayer aspect of the game, from the primal fights, to the group dungeons. We offer a little criticism for the lack of multiplayer elements to the games main story missions, and specific class quests. Join us next time for our discussion of the design, music, legacy and overall statements for the games 2.0 storyline.











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Tweet Kaleb: https://twitter.com/UFFPodcast


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#finalfantasy #jrpg #gaming #squareenix

Direct download: UFF_83_FF14_Part1_mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am MST

This week, Kaleb and Joe cover the Final Fantasy VII remakes Gameplay trailer. This, of course, came out shortly after last weeks early episode. They discuss their feelings on the battle system, and talk about the episodic approach to the release, and how Midgar, the most boring portion of Final Fantasy VII, would be a terrible beginning portion. We then move on to discuss the release of the PS4 port to Final Fantasy VII. We discuss the excellent theme that came with the game, and touch on the cheats. These cheats, interestingly, do not disable the game's trophies. We then move on to answer user submitted questions. Enjoy the episode!


REMIX - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60SKsZukXk0

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Tweet Kaleb: https://twitter.com/UFFPodcast


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#finalfantasy #jrpg #gaming #squareenix

Direct download: UFF_82_mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am MST

This week, we read part four of Joe's Epic Enjoy!

History of Square-Enix - Part 4: The Golden age of the 2D RPG


Enix could have floated on Dragon Quest V mega-release for the next 10 years, but they were well on their way with publishing multiple I.P.’s for the rest of the early 90’s., although this wasn’t without a few setbacks.


Enix released “The 7th Saga” in 1992, which had both mediocre reviews, as well as middling sales, and King Arthur and the Knights of Justice was apparently a hunk of Junk.


And in 1993, Enix released E.V.O: Search for Eden (A prehistoric RPG filled with dinosaurs) to similar results as the 7th Saga.


Square, however, was on top of the world. Secret of Mana in 1992 would go on to sell 1.83 million copies worldwide. It was praised as for it’s gameplay, music, and graphics, and would later be called “one of the high points of the 16 bit era” by Edge Magazine, as well as one of the greatest games of all time by famitsu, Nintendo Power, and IGN.


Although not nearly as well regarded, Square released Romancing Saga 2 to similar commercial results.


These games would kick off the golden age of 2 Dimensional JRPG’s.


Enix, in this SNES era, released a slew of games from ‘93 to ‘95, mostly in Japan due to the middling sales of Dragon Quest.


One of these was puzzle filled action RPG called “Brain Lord”, which was well reviewed, though didn’t exactly set the world on fire.


“Robotrek” would follow: a sci-fi precursor to pokemon in a sci-fi universe, that unfortunately tanked on released.


Terranigma”, which told the story of a boy named “Ark” trying to resurrect Earth, would later be hailed as a forgotten classic, but went nowhere near Square’s sales at 200,000 copies.


An RPG/Sim/War game called Ogre Battle (one of Enix’s most important games) was released to rave reviews, and would set the stage for it’s more famous sequel: Tactics Ogre.


Little is known about Enix’s game “Jyutei Senki”, except that it was only ever released in Japan, and that it’s a science fiction RPG game. “Mystic Ark” was another little-known RPG game put out by Enix, although it was successful enough to spawn a playstation sequel in 1999.


The biggest game of 1995 (Sorry Square) was Dragon Quest 6. It sold a whopping 3.2 Million copies, and this was only in Japan!


By this time Enix had given up on selling games outside of Japan, and before 1996’s game “Star Ocean” was released, they had closed their offices in North America. The game did alright for itself, selling about as much as “Terranigma” did before it, but as with a couple of these games it’s now looked upon as a forgotten gem in the west, Nintendo Life eventually praising it as one of the best-looking games on the Super Nintendo.


In contrast, Square was doing quite well in North America, while still doing good business in Japan. For Square, almost everything they touched turned to gold.


In 1994, Square would release one of it’s most well known RPG classics, “Breath of Fire” to good reviews and financial success.


But that was nothing compared to Final Fantasy VI, now seen as one of the greatest games of all time by most sources, eventually selling almost 4 million copies worldwide. That game is f--king awesome.


Last in ‘94, the forgotten game “Live a Live” would also be followed by another big success in early ‘95: “Front Mission” a sci-fi tacticle RPG game would sell half a million copies in the first week of release.


That same year we would see what some have called “The greatest RPG game of all time”, Chrono Trigger, a ground-breaking (I think, I haven't played it) RPG praised for it’s gameplay and non-linear story filled with optional endings that have kept people coming back to the game over and over for the last 20 years.


Square would round of 1995 with hits that included the 3rd mana game, Secret of Evermore, and Romancing Saga 3.


Square was on a role. Kazushige Nojima would direct a game called “Bahamut Lagoon” in 1996, and they’d follow that up with the famous and well-regarded Super Mario RPG.


By the end of 1996 Square was setting it’s sights on the 3rd dimension, and it’s last 2 games on the SNES: “Treasure of the Rudras” and “Treasure Hunter G”, would be overshadowed by the new consoles that were gaining some steam: Sony’s Playstation and the Nintendo 64.

REMIX - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dgw1mfvBI8I

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Tweet Joe: https://twitter.com/JosephDeGolyer

Tweet Kaleb: https://twitter.com/UFFPodcast


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#finalfantasy #jrpg #gaming #squareenix

Direct download: UFF_81_Sqaurep4_mixdown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am MST